• Course Duration: 20 Hours (approx.)
  • Location: Online - Live Sessions
  • Prerequisites: No
  • Category: Agile, Business, Project Management, Scrum, SDLC, STLC
  • Language: English
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Available Modes: Online (Batch or One on One)
  • Sessions: Weekday and Weekend
  • Course Capacity: 20
  • Viewers: 5278
  • Start Course:
  • Certificate: Yes


Technology Name: Level 1 & 2 .NET Developer Training Program



This training program is focused on audience wanting to understand the .NET Technology for building Applications on .NET. This program also focuses on Distributed Computing Applications like WCF, LINQ and Entity Frameworks, along with Windows application development using WPF. Web Application development using ASP.NET MVC & ASP.NET CORE and applying .NET features in Web Platform

Target Audience:

 The Target Audience for this program will be programmers with 2 to 3 years of programming expertise in any object-oriented programming language like C++, Java.

Software Specs:

 The participants who wish to undergo this training has to have the following software installed in their machines:

  • Windows 7,10 or 11 Operating System
  • Visual Studio 2019 or later for
  • SQL server 2016 or later for database programming
  • IIS for web server in NET
  • Admin Privileges for the
  • MS Office and Adobe Acrobat reader for Document reading.

At Course Completion:


  1. Understand the OOP approach for Application development
  2. Develop classes and describe how to declare a class
  3. Create Multi layered
  4. Understand LINQ Features of .NET
  5. Understand the new features of .NET FWK & CORE
  6. Develop Windows Applications using
  7. Create Service based Applications using WCF, Restful Web API & Micro Services
  8. Develop Web based Applications using NET MVC & ASP.NET CORE
  9. Understand State management using NET
  10. Deploy Web Applications in the Client Production

Course Outline:

 Understanding .NET Framework


  • The Design principles of .NET Applications
  • The Architecture
  • The Framework Class library
  • Common Language Runtime
  • Common Type specification
  • Building a .NET Application with Language Interoperability

C# Language basics:


  • Language features of C# Language
  • Understanding .NET type system
  • Boxing and unboxing between value types and reference types
  • Significance of Namespaces in .NET
  • Creating a simple “Hello World” application
  • Understanding the assembly contents using ILDASM
  • Variables & Constants
  • Introduction To Data Types
  • Pre-Defined Data Type
    • Boolean Data Type
    • Integrals
    • Floating and Decimal
  • Derived Data Type
  • User Defined Data Type
  • Strings
  • Unary Operators
  • Binary Operators
  • Ternary Operator
  • Value types and reference types
  • Arrays in C#
    • Single Dimension
    • Multi Dimension
    • Jagged Arrays
  • Array class
  • Iterations in Arrays
  • Structures and Enumerations
    • Introduction To Structures
    • Difference Between Structures and Classes
    • Enum Definition
  • Boxing and Unboxing
    • Value Type
    • Reference Type
    • Importance of Boxing and Unboxing
  • Control Structures
    • If Statement
      • If-Else Statement
      • Nested If-Else Statement
    • Switch Statement
    • While
    • Do While
    • for loop
    • for-each loop
  • Functions
    • Function Parameters
    • Call-By-Value
    • Call-By-Ref
    • Static Function
    • ref & out params
    • Static methods in C#
  • Using Collection objects
    • Hashtable,
    • SortedList,
    • ArrayList, etc

OOP feature of C#

  • Walk through thro all the OOP features of C# language
  • Classes for encapsulation
  • Classes and objects as instances
  • ‘Object’ the base class for all types
  • Constructors and Destructors
  • Constructor Overloading
  • Private Constructors
  • Constructor Chaining
  • Static Constructors
  • Getters & Setters
  • Properties – defining characteristics of an object (read-only, write-only, Read / Write)
  • Methods – defining behaviour of an object
  • Introduction to Operators
  • Operator Overloading
  • Using Properties
  • Using Indexers

Understanding exceptions and how to handle them


  • Exception class – base class for all .NET exceptions

Inheritance and polymorphism


  • Need for inheritance and polymorphism
  • Enhancing and extending a class
  • Syntax for inheritance in .Net
  • Invoking base class functionality from derived class
  • The ‘Protected’ modifier
  • Understanding runtime polymorphism
  • Defining virtual functions and overriding them
  • Abstract classes and methods
  • Partial classes
  • Sealed classes and methods

Delegates and Events


  • Need for callbacks in an application
  • Delegates – .NET mechanism for callbacks
  • Function Pointers
  • Single & Multicast delegates
  • Usage of Delegates
  • Events

Understanding Interfaces


  • Using interfaces to create standards
  • Defining interfaces in .NET
  • Implementing interfaces
  • Providing interface specific implementation

Object lifetime


  • Initializations and clean-up using constructors, destructors
  • The GC Algorithm and Heap generations
  • Using block
  • Waiting for finalizers
  • Suppressing Finalize
  • Importance of implementing IDisposable
  • Static and instance members
  • Access specifiers
    • public
    • private
    • protected
    • internal
    • protected internal Using Exception Classes

Features of C# 2.0


  • Generics
  • Iterators
  • Partial classes
  • Nullable types
  • Anonymous Methods
  • Namespace alias Qualifier
  • Static Classes
  • External Assembly Alias
  • Property Accessor Accessibility
  • Covariance and Contravariance in Delegates
  • Declare, Instantiate, and use a Delegate

Features of C# 3.0


  • LINQ (language-integrated query)
  • Object
  • Collection
  • Local variable type
  • Anonymous
  • Lambda
  • Expression
  • Automatic
  • Extension methods
  • Partial methods

Features of C# 4.0


  • Dynamic Types
  • Generic Covariant and Contravariant
  • Type Equivalence and Embedded Interop Types
  • Named and Optional arguments

Features of C# 5.0


  • Asynchronous methods
  • Caller information attributes

Features of C# 6.0


  • Expression bodied methods
  • Conditional access operator
  • Primary constructor
  • Await in catch block
  • Exception filters
  • String interpolation

Features of C# 7.0


  • out variables
  • Tuples
  • Discards
  • Pattern Matching
  • Local functions
  • Generalized async return types

Features of C# 8.0


  • Readonly members
  • Default interface methods
  • Using declarations
  • Static local functions
  • Disposable ref structs
  • Nullable reference types

Features of C# 9.0


  • Records
  • Init-only properties
  • Top-level statements
  • Init accessors and readonly fields
  • With-expressions
  • Value-based equality

Features of C# 10.0


  • Record structs
  • Global using directives
  • File-scoped namespace declaration
  • Extended Property Patterns
  • Null Parameter Checking
  • Constant interpolated strings



  • Assemblies in .NET
  • Assembly Structure
    • Manifest
    • IL Code
    • Metadata
  • Private Assemblies
  • Global Assemblies
  • Satellite Assembly
  • Strong Name Key
  • Global Assembly Cache (GAC)
  • Private Shared Assemblies
  • Versioning of Assemblies in .NET Applications

File I/O and Serialization


  • Understanding and using the different stream classes in .NET
  • Persisting object state to a stream
  • Serialization modes: Binary, SOAP, and XML
  • Runtime serialization (Deep)
  • Marking a class serializable
  • Serialization and inherited classes
  • Customizing Serialization by
  • Using attributes
  • Implementing ISerializable interface

Windows Services


  • The Service Control Manger
  • Use of Service Base Class
  • Service Installer
  • Service Process Installer
  • Installer
  • RunInstaller attribute
  • The installutil utility

The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners


  • Introduction to XAML
  • XMLNS and Window XAML in default code in detail
  • The App Config File explained
  • Accessing Properties of UI Elements in Csharp Code
  • .Net Core vs .Net Framework



  • Intro Controls Chapter
  • Textblock in XAML
  • Textblock in Code Behind
  • Labels
  • TextBox
  • Buttons and some events
  • Radio Buttons
  • Checkboxes
  • Passwordbox
  • Images
  • Sliders – Databinding and Triggers
  • Calendar
  • DatePicker
  • Expander



  • Intro Panels Chapter
  • Grids part 1
  • Grid spanning
  • Stackpanels
  • Wrap Panel
  • DockPanel
  • Canvas
  • CatYears Part 1
  • CatYears Part 2 – Build UI with only Csharp



  • Intro Menu Chapter
  • Menu Control
  • Toolbar Control
  • Context Menu
  • StatusBar



  • Open a File and displaying its text
  • Filter selectable file types and start folder
  • Save Text File with SaveFileDialog



  • Intro Databinding Chapter
  • Intro to databinding
  • Databinding with noODP
  • Databinding with enum ObjectDataProvider Combobox
  • Databinding List to Class

Navigation and Events


  • Intro Navigation Chapter
  • Events Basics
  • Routed Events – Bubbling, Tunneling, Direct
  • Navigation and Events
  • Page Intro
  • Navigation 1 – Navigate from one page to the next
  • Navigation 2 – Navigate forward and back a page
  • Navigation 2b – Events and Delegates
  • Navigation 3 – Using Delegates and Events to Move between Pages

Dependency Properties


  • Introduction to Dependency Properties
  • Using a Dependency Poperty
  • Creating our own Dependency Property and using it

Introduction to MVVM


  • Why MVVM?
  • MVVM in a Nutshell
  • Services in MVVM
  • Downsides of MVVM

Connecting Views and ViewModels


  • Outline
  • Naming Conventions
  • View-First VS ViewModel-First
  • View-First Intro
  • Straightforward View-First Implementation
  • View-First via ViewModel-Locator.
  • Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control
  • Bootstrapper and Intro
  • Bootstrapper and Demo
  • Design-Time Intro
  • Design-Time Demo: Separate ViewModels and Mixing In.
  • Design-Time Demo: Avoiding Duplication.
  • View-First via ViewModel-Locator. Locator as a
  • ViewModel-First. Intro
  • ViewModel-First. Demo

Communicating Views and ViewModels


  • Commands in WPF and MVVM
  • Intro
  • Demo
  • Intro
  • Attached Behaviors
  • Blend Behaviors

Models and Validation


  • Models Wrapping
  • Stateful ViewModel VS Stateless ViewModel
  • Intro
  • Demo 1.
  • Demo 2.

MVVM Frameworks


  • MVVM Frameworks
  • Prism and MVVM-Light

Introduction to ASP.NET MVC


  • The role of the Model, View, and Controller
  • Key benefits of NET MVC

Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC


  • NET MVC project templates
  • Understanding the structure of an NET MVC project
  • Naming conventions
  • Creating views
  • Defining controllers
  • Defining a data model

Creating a Complete ASP.NET MVC 4 Application


  • Creating strongly-typed views
  • Understanding URLs and action methods
  • Using HTML helpers
  • Handling form post-backs
  • Data validation

Using the Razor View Engine


  • Getting started with Razor
  • Razor design goals
  • Implementing a Razor view
  • Razor syntax
  • Accessing Model Data in Razor views

View Techniques


  • Defining and using custom HTML Helpers
  • Defining a layout / MVC Master Page
  • Using Styles
  • Defining and using partial views
  • Razor Helper Method syntax

Implementing Navigation in MVC web apps


  • Defining view-model classes
  • Implementing Data Filtering in a Controller
  • Understanding the Routing mechanism
  • Adding custom entries to a route table
  • Defining defaults, parameters, and validation
  • Generating URLs and Hyperlinks
  • Custom Route constraints

MVC State Management


  • Using hidden fields
  • Session and Application State
  • Custom model bindings

Additional Techniques


  • View Scaffold Templates
  • Controller Scaffold Templates
  • Global Filters
  • Model binding
  • Asynchronous Controllers

Using AJAX and jQuery with ASP.NET MVC


  • Overview of AJAX and NET MVC
  • Unobtrusive AJAX
  • Using AJAX Action Links
  • Overview of jQuery
  • jQuery Techniques
  • Using jQuery UI
  • Linq

ASP.NET MVC & LINQ – working with Data


  • Language features used in LINQ
  • Creating simple LINQ queries
  • Using LINQ queries in a Web application;
  • Defining a data repository;
  • Using LINQ to define a data access component

SOA, Windows Communication Foundation And Web APIs


Getting started with WCF Services


  • Why WCF
  • What is SOA?
  • How to achieve SOA?
  • Get Started with WCF Services
  • Passing Various kinds of parameters
  • Passing objects as parameters
  • Hosting WCF Service
  • Creating a client



  • Understanding Binding == Channel Stack
  • Binding Class Properties In Config File
  • Binding Class Properties In Programming
  • Specific Properties Of Various Bindings

Service and Operation Contracts


  • Understanding Contracts In WCF
  • Properties Of Contracts Attributes
  • Operation Contract Modifications
  • Operation Overloading In WCF

Data and Fault Contracts


  • Introduction To DataContract
  • Working With Properties Of DataContract And DataMember
  • Faults In WCF
  • FaultExceptions And FaultContracts

Message Exchange Patterns


  • Introduction To MEP And Implementing One Way
  • Duplex Or Callback MEP

RESTful API’s with Asp.Net Core, Entity Framework and C# with .NET 7


  • Create Rest API’s with .NET
  • Build Web API’s
  • Use Model Validations to Validate the data
  • Build the backend for your web and mobile apps
  • Use Entity Framework to query data
  • Implement Sorting, Paging & Searching
  • Test API via Postman